Dr. Birx Praises Herself While Revealing Ignorance, Treachery, and Deceit

Dr. Deborah Birx, a prominent medical expert and former coordinator of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, has been a central figure in the COVID-19 pandemic response. While she gained recognition for her role in providing guidance to the nation, recent revelations have sparked controversy, leading to accusations of ignorance, treachery, and deceit. In this … Read more

My Conversation with AI Over Hydroxychloroquine

In the era of rapid technological advancements, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our lives, influencing and shaping discussions on various topics, including controversial ones. Recently, I engaged in a thought-provoking conversation with an AI about hydroxychloroquine, a drug that has sparked debates and controversies in the medical community. This article documents … Read more

How They Convinced Trump to Lock Down

In the tumultuous year of 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc across the globe, leaders faced unprecedented challenges in managing the crisis. Among them was former U.S. President Donald Trump, whose approach to lockdown measures became a subject of intense scrutiny. This article delves into the strategies employed to convince Trump to implement lockdowns … Read more

What the WHO Is Actually Proposing

In the ever-evolving landscape of global health, the World Health Organization (WHO) stands as a key player, shaping policies and strategies to address contemporary health challenges. Recently, the WHO has put forth several proposals that are generating significant discussion and debate. In this article, we will delve into what the WHO is actually proposing and … Read more

The Vax-Gene Files: Have the Regulators Approved a Trojan Horse

In the race against the global COVID-19 pandemic, the development and approval of vaccines have been hailed as a monumental achievement. However, recent concerns have arisen regarding the approval process of a specific vaccine, raising questions about potential hidden risks. This article delves into “The Vax-Gene Files” to explore whether regulators have unwittingly approved a … Read more

The Astonishing Implications of Schedule F 

In the ever-evolving landscape of business and technology, staying ahead of the curve is imperative for success. One recent development that has garnered significant attention is Schedule F. However, the implications of this schedule extend far beyond its bureaucratic origins, offering a wealth of SEO opportunities for businesses willing to seize them. Understanding Schedule F: … Read more

Clean vs. Dirty: A Way to Understand Everything

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a pivotal role in determining a website’s success. As online competition intensifies, understanding the distinction between clean and dirty SEO practices becomes crucial for businesses and website owners. This article aims to shed light on the clean vs. dirty SEO debate and how it influences … Read more

How the “Unvaccinated” Got It Right

In the global conversation surrounding vaccinations, the term “unvaccinated” has often been associated with controversy and skepticism. However, it’s essential to foster an open dialogue that acknowledges diverse perspectives and encourages a nuanced understanding of the choices people make regarding their health. This article aims to shed light on alternative viewpoints held by the “unvaccinated” … Read more

Fauci’s 7-Hour Deposition: What We Know So far 

In a pivotal moment for public health, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the renowned immunologist and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), recently underwent a marathon 7-hour deposition. The deposition, a critical development in ongoing investigations into the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, has provided the public with a deeper understanding of … Read more